Our Family

visit our family blog Our Sugar and Spice

family photo shoot

family photo shoot

C is the "daddy-man" in our family. The love of my life - we met in college and have been together ever since. He works hard so that I can stay home with our girls. He is strong, handy and could build almost anything that he had time for. The girls spring up and run to the door everytime he comes home. They squeal with delight and jump in his arms, or some days immediately hide so that the games can begin as soon as he's in the house!

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K, is our beautiful 5 year old who loves to dance and sing. She's so very excited to start Kindergarten in the fall and just can't wait to grow up. She is sensitive and snuggly and has quite a vivid imagination. She's smart and sassy and I usually call her my little lawyer because she has the ability to rationalize everything and can find a loop hole in anything.

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M, is our darling 2 (almost 3) year old. She's stubborn, spunky, and sassy. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to tell you all about the way things should be. She usually gets what she wants too - with just a quick tilt of her head and sparkly smile, you can't help but melt and give in. She's full of questions and doesn't quite realize that she's younger than her sister.

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This is me, I'm the Mama Bear and love every minute of it (even the stressful ones!) I love to hang out with my girls all day. I'm slightly (ok, completely) addicted to the internet, reading blogs, browsing photography tips, and fun things to teach the girls. I love photography and taking phots, I thought this blog would be a great way to keep be shooting.  My current dream is to get a fancy DSLR camera and work toward becoming a paid photographer. 

family photo shoot

family photo shoot

photos are courtesy of our awesome photographer, Amy, at http://www.babyblues-photography.com/